Innovate Locally, Impact Globally

About TRDF

The Tanzania Rural Development Forum is a non-governmental, non-partisan organization that is registered under the Non-Governmental Organizations Act of 2002 (Act No. 24) with registration No. 00NGO/R/5274 in Tanzania Mainland.

Our Vision

TRDF envisions self-sustaining rural communities where empowered women and youth are catalysts of socioeconomic transformation and environmental harmony.

Our Mission

TRDF’s mission is to become a platform for dialogue, knowledge-sharing, and the implementation of innovative solutions that uplift the socio-economic conditions of rural residents by advocating for inclusive policies and fostering community-led development projects.

What We Do

Awareness Raising

We believe that understanding is the first step toward change.

Policy Analysis and Advocacy

We believe the community’s voice should drive policy formulation.

Capacity Building

Empowering individuals is at the heart of our advocacy work.

Research and Learning

We believe that continuous learning is the key to driving effective and sustainable change.

Partnership and Networking

We believe that lasting change is built on strong partnerships and clear communication.



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